Thursday, September 2, 2010


Finally some much needed “me” time. Today has been crazy busy, I've barely had a second to myself. This morning I had my son school assembly play to attend, and he did an awesome job. This afternoon I made orders and answered emails.

When Alex got home from school she needed to do her with an English text response assignment on the movie Edward Scissorhands, that’s due tomorrow. At first she told me she knew what she was doing, so I cleaned up, organized tomorrow orders and made dinner. Once Phoenix and Skye were in bed by 7pm I read her assignment and realized she was having difficulties understanding the themes in the movie. Therefore the assignment that she had spend 4 hours on, wasn’t going to work. So I sat down with her and we watched Edward Scissorhands together. After a few more hours work, it was 11pm and it is still incomplete but I sent her to bed. Now I have a dilemma, do I finished it for her tonight or wake her up early in the morning so that she completes it.

Alex is only 12 years old, I honestly think the themes in Edward Scissorhands went over her head. She is still a child, and doesn’t always grasp teen and adult themes. It's all my fault I have been too overprotective, and I haven't taught her enough about the world.  


Dani said...

I think society is making kids grow up way too soon these days. I teach kindergarten and tell my parents that today's kindergarten is like what first grade used to be.

It's sad. It's really not developmentally appropriate. I think they end up missing out on other important milestones because they are pushed onto others.'s a soap box issue of mine. Sadly, I feel somewhat powerless to fight it.

Kelly said...

I agree with you completely, it's very sad indeed. You are only a child for such a short time.

Jasmine said...

I would have thought the school had rules about what's appropriate to show to certain age groups and what's not - doesn't Edward Scissorhands have implied rape/sex suggestions?! Is the classification rating even open to 12 year olds?

The whole film is pretty satirical in a lot of ways, I wouldn't expect even 16 year olds to grasp a lot of what's going on there - the whole satire of the suburbs and all that, how would they know that's a parody?

MultipleMum said...

Lucky you getting to sneak in a bit of Johnny Depp whilst helping out with homework! I am not really up to this stage of parenting, but instinctively I think kids need to do their own homework. Parents have had their time at school. Kids won't learn if they don't do it themselves, even if it means they fail from time to time. I think what you did was great - help her out, but it is up to her to finish. That is my view anyway. What did you end up doing?

Bron @ Baby Space said...

As someone who drove to the beach after Uni last night -to get sand for the teens project - and then drove to the school especially to drop off the assignment -was a model of the Colosseum that was apparently going to get squashed on the bus - I relate!

There have been many times when he was a little one that I felt the homework was too much, but admittedly more so in primary - now that he's in high school he 'gets' what he's doing more. Maybe you'll find this will be the same?

Themes are a tough one though - v subjective. Hope it ended well!

Maxabella said...

What did you end up doing? I'm amazed that Edward Scissorhands is on the curriculum for a 12 year old. I agree that they grow up too fast these days (but then, that's what our parents said about us and we're doing reasonably okay... aren't we?) I hope she did her homework herself, although an 11pm bedtime AND an early start would be such a lot for a little one. x

Erin Wallace said...

Edward Scissorhands seems a bit too mature for a 12 year old. I really think that too much is expected of children these days; their brains mature at a certain rate and schools are somehow trying to go against biology. It would be a great movie for a high school class; maybe "Frankenweinie" (which if you haven't seen it, do!) for a 12 year old.

When I think the homework is too much for my kids, I tell the teachers. I tell them everything we did to get the assignment done, have them turn in what they were able to do, and go "Mama Bear" on them if they push the issue. The teachers know I expect a lot out of my kids and that if they should be able to do the work, it gets done. Usually they come up with a project that teaches the same principles but in a more age appropriate way.

xo Erin