Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I keep Skye home from school today she has a sore throat and a running nose. I don’t think I will get much work done today but I’m up Fridays hair clip orders at the moment so I don’t think my customers will mind too much.

I have hundreds of new design ideas swimming in my head; they actually keep me awake last night. I might try making some of them while Skye is curled up next to me on the couch.


Blocks and Knocks said...

That is a sensational photo! I hope she is feeling better soon xx

Anonymous said...

I hope she feels better soon.

MultipleMum said...

She still looks edible despite her illness and grumpiness. I hope she doesn't cramp your style too much :)

Unknown said...

It never ceases to amaze me how gorgeous your kids are. It's their eyes. There's a lot going on behind them. Hope Skye feels better soon (and I hope you get those ideas out!). You're a creative genius!


Photography said...

I hope she is back on top soon, so much going around :-(
***hugs Skye!!***

J said...

Get well soon! Love those long eye lashes she got!

Lizeylou said...

Hope Skye is feeling better - am sure she is loving snuggles on the couch with you!

k said...

i hope she feels better :(

Kristi said...

oh goodness she has such a sweet little face.