Saturday, January 22, 2011

This Saturday I'm grateful for...January

This Saturday I am grateful for the month of January. Everything has slowed down and life feels simpler. The madness of Christmas is over and the children are still home on school holidays. Lots of sleep ins, and lazy days at home. I feel more relaxed and at peace with myself. The sun is shining and the temperature is heating up. I’ll be visiting my best friend this afternoon, and a trip to beach is in my future.

Happy Weekend everybody!

{image found here}


Cate said...

Only one more week to enjoy those sleep-ins - the back to madness...sigh. I'm with you - I love january :-)
have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

I never used to like January, but the last few years I have really started to enjoy it.
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Happy Weekend! :)

Maxabella said...

I pledge to try, as much as is humanly possible, to keep that January vibe going for the whole year!!! x

Photography said...

Sounds great.

kyndell walsh said...

Hi!! Sounds like things are going well~ I'm enjoying this time of year too. You are SO very kind to visit my blog. I hope that this is only the beginning of a fantastic year for you!

kyndell walsh said...

Hi!! Sounds like things are going well~ I'm enjoying this time of year too. You are SO very kind to visit my blog. I hope that this is only the beginning of a fantastic year for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh I heart January as well. I will be so sad to farewell it. But bring on February with its hearts and chocolate ;)

Naturally Carol said...

I'm a January lover too...much more love for January than takes me a while to reconcile myself to 'doing Christmas'!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I admit to not enjoying January that much, but what you have enjoyed is what I had hoped to too! Gorgeous picture by the way. xx

Kristi said...

you sound happy. smile.

Cathie said...

january is a great slow month, i like that too, especially in melbourne.
hope the year is a calm & great one for you Kelly.

stay happy ♥

Cat said...

I agree, January has been slower and calmer than the madness of December. Enjoy the rest of January and those sleep ins.:) xo