Saturday, November 13, 2010


I woke up to sounds of fighting again this morning. Why can’t my kids just get along so I can finally have a sleep in? I am feeling worn out and tired.

We are hanging out inside today; it rained all night and its cold and wet outside. I am trying to keep them busy and quite, Reuben worked nightshift last night.

It seems to be an impossible task, would it be cruel to send them all in the cubby house outside until Reuben is awake?

I dream of being able to just get in my car and drive far far away from everyone and everything. I just want to escape for a while, and just be by myself. 
Does anyone else ever feel like this, sometimes?


Mummahh said...

Such cute kids! and im hearing ya! you know its funny my kids stayed home from school yesterday to spend time with their nan, and all they did was argue and fight!
i had had enough, and sent them to their rooms for a time out, i just needed 5 minutes of peace!

Clara in Paradise said...

Yes! It is normal, and boy, do we feel guilty for feeling this way.

Pomegranategrl said...

Yes, I think everyone does at some point. It would be easy if it wasn't for the mommy guilt!

Maxabella said...

Of course!!! And no, it's not a crime to put them outside for a play so your man can get some sleep. I remember being booted outside with a drink bottle many a time (especially by our Grandma). You were only allowed inside to use the toilet. We thought nothing of it and had a great time playing in the great outdoors for hours. x

Maxabella said...

PS - I don't feel guilty at all for wanting time to myself... and having it. I can think of loads worse crimes for a mother than taking time for herself. x

Sweet Birdie Blue said...

yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss thrown in for good measure!!!!

...glad i am not the only one xoxox

Unknown said...

Cool photos! Somedays are like that. Yes, I have definitely enjoyed indulging in that daydream!

Anonymous said...

Do I feel like this sometimes? Yeah, every single freakin' day of my life!! I have teenagers - enough said.

J said...

I only go one child but she can be a handful at times too. And I hate it when those days come when you need the most rest. Awesome photos btw.

Kristi said...

i feel like this a lot, especially with having no family around. i like to be by myself a lot and i am really a quiet person...but my son, oh my, is an excessive talker. it makes me want to run for the hills.

Jess said...

Great photos!

Us Mums all feel like this sometimes..and no, you should never feel bad about it - out to the cubby for loud kids on Saturday morning indeed!

Jess said...

but of course we DO feel bad about it...

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I know that feeling and have it this weekend. Like Maxabella said when I was a kid I got sent out to play all the time. It is tougher these days because kids are always by our sides. Hope you get some time to yourself soon. Charmaine

Photography said...

hehe my kids have been outside most of today! I made them clean the table and chairs set and tidy up out there. I was inside cleaning (could think of better things to do...and not sure if i want to let them back in as I KNOW what will happen!) It's okay we all feel it and especially those who have more children i feel. Also if you have no family help to lean on (we don't). I just joined your blog - was sure i had already done it ages ago!! But alas when I checked it hadn't so now i do :-)

Signe said...

Sorry you had a bit of a rough start today :(
But we all feel like that sometimes - wish you a relaxing weekend dear!

Dani said...

Oh, you aren't alone.

I've locked my children out of the house before. It was for their own good. I didn't feel too bad about doing so because my Mema did it quite often to my dad and his brother.

Hopefully they find harmony soon. *hugs*

Kim said...

Yes! You are normal. These feelings are normal. Sometimes it just gets to be too much and a break is needed. It stinks that we have to feel guilty for it.

Even so, you managed to take some cool pix. Love the processing.

Carmel's Closet said...

HI Kelly,
I've actually locked mine out - one out the front and one out the back. More than once and I don't feel guilty about it. Lesson: when you act in an intorable manner, you will be treated with intolerance. Their bedrooms are too nice to be sent their for punishment, so outside it is. I spent my childhood out there, mostly through choice though. It's harsh, but fair, when enough is enough that really is it in this house. Don't feel bad, you have to do what you have to do - stick a jacket and wellies on them.
Hope you feel better.

Clara in Paradise said...

@ Kristi: My daughter is an only child, so no fights, but like yours she's very talkative. She follows me around the house blabbering incessantly, it makes me think that somehow being deaf is not so bad.

Glen said...

amazing pictures - you are really talented, amazing!