Friday, September 17, 2010

look what just arrived in the mail

A Kenwood Patissier Mixer! Can't wait to mix and bake a cake or something! And how about this shade of blue isn't it so pretty?


Kim@Living with Little People said...

Love that blue! My life changed when I got my mixer a couple of years ago - best investment you could have made. Happy baking!

Bron @ Baby Space said...

Exciting! Loooove the colour.

MMBB said...

Oh yes please, I'll have me one of those

In Real Life said...

That is a gorgeous shade of blue! I have the Kitchen Aid version and love it to pieces! Have fun baking!

Dani said...


Me like.

Jasmine said...

That is definitely fabulous. I want one but I'm useless at baking!

Blythe said...

Oh, that is just so pretty!

PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

Ooooh, what a beauty! And that blue... perfect! Enjoy your baking, seriously, this'll change your life.

MultipleMum said...

I like! Never thought I would say this about a mixer, but I think I may be a bit jealous of your purchase.

Kristi said...

i am a tiny bit jealous, it is the loveliest shade of blue.

{ Nina Designs } said...

Beautiful! I want one too!

Signe said...

Nice one :) I actually need a new mixer as well, should start looking around for one!

Have a great friday!

Mel said...
