Wednesday, August 18, 2010

look what I made

I took a small break from making orders to make something new. So naturally I need to blog about them too.  I should properly be blogging about these on my store blog but I am not really to launch them yet. 

I have had these visions in my head for months about all the things I could do with my new handmade necklace range. I have made a few for my daughters, and my friends daughters and everyone has loved them.  

But I am stuck on what to call them! Felt button necklaces sounds so boring. I want the name to be creative and pretty. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Simone - honeyandfizz said...

They are gorgeous! Kinda like rosettes so maybe felt rosette necklaces? Or just the theme eg tea party / hippo? Im not much help!:)

Danimezza said...

They look a little like medalions, very sweet

m.e (Cathie) said...

love your teapot one Kelly!
nice work.
goodluck with it all

Abby said...

I love these Kelly! You clever cookie :)

Bron @ Baby Space said...

Felt fancies? V cute whatever you call them :)

Kim@Living with Little People said...

I wish I had something inspirational to add. I think whatever you call them they'll be big sellers cause they're so darn cute!

PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

So very pretty!!! And Bron - yes! Felt Fancies is perfect!

Dani said...



Lizeylou said...

I love them .... Do you reckon at aged 34 I could get away with wearing one?

Kelly said...

Hi Lizeylou, yes my 4 year old loves them!