Thursday, February 10, 2011

41/365 Days of Photos


{ISO 200 F/5.6 1/200 Sec} processed in Lightroom using Old Polar preset


k said...

that is a gorgeous picture!

Photography said...

Oh watch out boys! She is a stunner :-) Those eyes. Poor Daddy will be fending them off left right and center :-)

Photography said...
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Blythe said...

Love love love this processing!

Anonymous said...

wow you are on a roll with these photos. Great work. Charmaine

Maxabella said...

Beautiful girl, Kelly. She has your soulful eyes. x

Sweet Birdie Blue said...

i agree she def has her mum's eyes

Tracy said...

I was going to say the same, she looks a lot like you! Beautiful!

Dani said...

So pretty.

I'm really thinking I need to invest in Lightroom.

kazia said...

amazing photos :)