On Anzac day last week we packed into the Melbourne Cricket Ground along with almost 100,000 other footy fans to see a Essendon beat Collingwood. I am not much of a sport fan but I do have Essendon club membership and make it to one or two games a year. Mostly its just my husband and the kids that go with our friend Ash. I prefer to hang out with Mer (Ash's wife) drinking champagne and watching a movie.
The kids made some Anzac Biscuits in the morning and they made a tasty treat at half time. I got a bit bored, so I took pictures, listened to music and drank some beer. My husband and kids love going though. I wasn't able to get any pictures of Alex looking at me because she was totally involved with the game. Phoenix snap this rare picture of my husband and myself.
The kids made some Anzac Biscuits in the morning and they made a tasty treat at half time. I got a bit bored, so I took pictures, listened to music and drank some beer. My husband and kids love going though. I wasn't able to get any pictures of Alex looking at me because she was totally involved with the game. Phoenix snap this rare picture of my husband and myself.