Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kris Kringle

Reuben and I have the most amazing group of friends. Some of them have been friends with Reuben since high school and others he met in university. One of them my cousin Leeann I have known almost all my life and the other Sammy I met in Primary School.

Most have been there since Alex was born, almost 13 years ago now. If they came in later, the feels like they have been in the group the whole time. They helped us raise Alex in lots of supportive ways. We were only 19 – 20 years old went she came into the world and clueless. Now they are all starting to have their own children and the group just keeps getting bigger. We will need a hall to fit us all in shortly.

Every year we get together and do Kris Kringle . Kris Kringle used to be about partying hard and drinking lots, now it’s more about the children. It’s so weird to see everyone growing up and becoming responsible.

The most exciting news is that Sammy and Glenn are pregnant with their first child and Angela and Shane have a second on the way. The funny thing is, they have the same due date, 29th July!

My friends rock! Do you have a big group of friends you hang out with?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Puffing Billy

On a cold and wet summers morning we headed to Belgrave to visit Puffing Billy. Puffing Billy is the century-old steam trains running from Belgrave to Gembrook in the Dandenong Ranges.

It was a four hour round trip and we stopped and had lunch in a little café in Gembrook. It was a fun family day out, uncle Leon came too. In the afternoon the rain cleared and the sun came out. Phoenix and I both got soot in our eyes, which isn’t the most pleasant experience but we survived. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Uncle Leon is here...

Uncle Leon has arrived, and the kids are so excited. Leon is Reuben’s little brother and he has been working and living in New Zealand for the last couple of years. He comes back every Christmas and spoils Alex, Phoenix and Skye with presents and lots of trips to the park.  He will be staying with us for the next few days!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Tree

We have finally put the Christmas tree up, better late than never.

Plastic fantastic but if I close my eyes I imagine the smell of a a real pine tree.

I have almost finished Christmas shopping, just a few last minute things to get.

Handmade felt ginderbread men by the children the high-light of the tree this year.

So what does your tree look like this year?

{pictures taken by me}

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

look what we made

This afternoon the children and  made a pretty Christmas star garland with felt, sequins, and glitter glue!

 Alex gluing colourful sequins onto a white star.

 lots and lots of felt stars

Skye's favourite part was the glitter glue!

Phoenix wasn’t overly interested in decorating the stars and painted a wooden helicopter instead.

All finished and hanging on our dining room wall, doesn’t it look sweet?

Monday, December 20, 2010

No more work for the year!

After working all weekend and pulling ten hour working day today I have finally made the last hair clip order for the year!

Every parcel is now on its way and it feels so good to have more work to do for two weeks! Now it’s time to celebrate and to get into Christmas spirit! I don't even have the tree up yet, I will remedy that tomorrow morning!

{image found here}

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Isabella's First Birthday

The only way to learn and grow my skills as a photographer is to talk pictures everywhere I go.

Here are the best ones I took at my friends Kirsten and Malcolm daughter Isabella’s first birthday party. Isn’t she divine? It was beautiful and fun party. Kirsten made the cake herself and it was delicious!