I don’t feel like I am smart enough to blog! There is some really cool blogs out there and the writing is heartfelt and meaningful. I sit back in my seat and wipe the tears from my eyes and wonder if I belong in the blogging world. I want to belong, so badly. I just don’t always know how to express myself in words.
You see, I had learning difficulties as a child. I struggled with everything at school, and couldn’t read a word at all until I was 8 years old. I knew all the special classes, and special teachers made be stand out and I hated them for it. I was constantly teases by other kids, had my lunch money stolen numerous times, and cried every day. I didn’t like being different and longed to be like everyone else. All the stress didn’t help my asthma and I was in hospital lots and missed a lot of school. I had to repeat prep, which didn’t help me at all.
I left school at 16, didn’t even complete the year. I got a job at Big W as a checkout chick. From there I have worked at McDonalds, Bunning’s Warehouse and Red Roster. (I did go back to school and completed adult VCE, but that’s a story for another day). I have never had a job I have been proud of until I started my own business.
I have gained more confidence as I get older. Having a supportive husband changed me a lot. But my early experiences still haunt me today. So please excuse me if I spell things wrong, or don’t write them correctly and if I sound dumb. I am still finding my place in this lovely online world.