Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feeling Blah!

I find it hard to describe how I am feeling, I think it’s because I am feeling lots of emotions at once and I can’t pin point them into one word! I guess the best way to describe how I feel today is blah!

I am fighting another cold, lucky me the kids like to share their germs! There is so much I want to do in regards to my little business I feel my creative juices are just waiting to explode. But I just can't find the time or the energy to do anything about it. I feel so frustrated!  Why did I chose to have so many children. If I had less I would have more time to myself. Please don’t hate me for saying that, I do love all my children. I feel like everything is out of balance, It’s so hard to juggle being a wife, mother and a home business owner all at once!

My confidence and self-worth is taking a beating! I constantly second guess myself, and feel like I am worth nothing. I hate the way I look; I am the fattest I have ever been. My hair is turning grey and my glasses hide my small eyes. I really do look as old as I feel, and I am only 32! I am so moody, my husband doesn’t know whether to hug me or give me space. I was crying this morning, and I can’t even tell you why.

I think what I need is a holiday some time away to reflect and recharge but we can’t afford it right now. I might try taking a week off and closing my store. It will be one less thing to balance, while the children are on school holidays.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Anti Model

Skye has become almost difficult to photograph lately. I think she has had enough of being mummy’s hair clip model. When my camera comes out, she frowns and refused to look my way. I rarely get a smile or eye contact from her anymore. I am hopeful that it’s just a phase and that one day soon it will change and she will like having her picture taken again.

Does anyone have any tips to help a 4 year old anti model?

Friday, June 25, 2010

School Holidays Upon Us!!!

It's the last day of school for three weeks. I feel exhausted just thinking about it. I am looking forward to sleep ins, not driving to & from the school and spending time with my children. But ask me how I feel in three weeks, it will be a different story. We live a small old house, which really isn't big enough for the five of us. It gets too much for the kiddie when they can't escape from each other and then the constant fighting begins.

Good thing about school holidays is the movies for kids in the cinema. I am looking forward taking Alex, Phoenix and Skye to see “Shrek Forever After” and “Toy Story 3”.

Friday, June 25, 2010


I failed my contact lens trial this week. It’s so embarrassing; I just couldn’t get them on or off. I really had no idea how hard it could be. My eyes got so red and sore the optometrist after an hour told me that some people can never ever get them in. I feel so silly; it’s been a long time since I have failed anything. I feel like a child that got an F on an assignment. I have another appointment next week to try again. I really hope I can do it. I hate to waste $140 on something I can’t use. Maybe I will be stuck wearing glasses for life...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Today was photo day as Skye's kinder. I wanted her to look girly and classical, and to be comfortable and warm to play at kinder. I love to mix and match brands up so Skye wears:
What do you think of her little outfit?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Point & Shoot: Alex Modelling

Playing along again this week with fat mum slim's point and shoot. Pictures taken on Sunday afternoon of my 12 year old daughter Alex doing some headband modelling for me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend in Pictures

On Saturday afternoon the kids and I went to visit my parents and sister in The Basin. I wanted to give my husband some quite time to complete some of his assignments and to visit my mum. Last week she had an operation to remove gall stones. I could not visit her last week because the kids and I were all sick with a horrible virus and the last thing I wanted to do was pass it on to my mum.

It’s a 45 minute drive, I dislike driving and rarely drive anywhere that takes longer than 15 minutes to get to. Seriously If I would walk everywhere I would. I just turned up the music which happened to be Bat for Lashes and tried to forget that I was driving.

After lunch we all went to Sassafras which is only a 10 minute drive from their house. It is such a gorgeous little town, so pretty this time of year with the trees still losing their leaves and with lovely little shops and cafes. I loved the wool store the most, the wool was in the most divine colours. I miss knitting. I just don't seem to find the time to do it anymore.

I have a very busy Sunday ahead grocery shopping, catching up with hair clip orders, baking biscuits for school snacks; taking some pictures of my girls wearing a custom ordered headband and dinner at our friends Sam and Glenn's house.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Favorite Family Photos

Tonight I am relaxing with a glass of wine and I am just about to watch a dvd. Here is a few of my favorite pictures that were taken in 2008 when I first received my Cannon EOS 50D camera!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Through my children's eyes...

Photographs my children took on the weekend with my little baby canon point and shoot camera. It is something I don't normally let them do, play with the camera but they had a ball and took some great shots!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Choc Chip Cookies

One of my favorite things to do is bake cookies for the kids (husband & myself included) to eat. Nothing tastes better than the homemade kind plus you know what's in them!

(recipe from choc bits packet)

225g butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk
2 cups plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup nestle milk choc bits

Preheat  oven to 190.C. Cream butter and sugar in a medium bowl. Beat in sweetened condensed milk. Cream until mixture is light and fluffy. Sift flour and baking powder. Stir into butter mixture with milk choc bits. Roll tablespoonfuls of mixture into balls. Place on a lined oven tray. Press biscuits down to flattern. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown.

I also press some of the left over choc bits into the top of the biscuits before cooking, it make them look pretty!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Currently Reading {The Virgin's Lover}

A couple of months ago, Leeann (best friend & cousin) introduced me to Philippa Gregory the author of "The Other Boleyn Girl". Leeann wanted to change my reading habits; I think she was sick of hearing about all the vampire books I was reading. I was surprised to discover how much I enjoy reading about English history and queens & kings. They are easy to read, and full passion and drama. This week I have started to read the fifth book in the Tudor series called “The Virgin’s Lover” it is set in the time when queen Elizabeth I is queen. So far it is fascinating and I am enjoying every page.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Long Weekend in Pictures

{yellow flowers to brighten up the dinning room}

{alex reading vampire diaries}

{yummy raisin toast with raspberry jam and vanilla latte}

{new $3 bargain ring from diva}

{native winter blooms in our garden}


{my bbf lee, phoenix and skye making funny faces}


{alex and leeann}

{alex helping skye take some pictures}

{mushroom in the garden}


Monday, June 14, 2010

Point & Shoot: My Children

I have been a fan of fat mum slim's blog for a while and have decided this week to join the fun of point and shoot.  I love the look on my son's Phoenix face in this picture! I have found the best spot in our garden by the big willow tree when the lighing in great in the afternoon for picture taking. Skin tones look soft and milky and the colours are vivid.

My best friend is coming over this this afternoon for lunch, will be back tonight with more pictures from the long weekend.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Night-time Warning

The strangest thing occurred last night. I was as sleep in bed and I woke suddenly startled, with the strongest smell of smoke in the air. I quickly got out of bed and check around my room to see if anything was on fire. Nothing was, so I when into the hall way and into the kids bedrooms were I saw a plastic bin was up against the heater in their room. I move it off, and checked to see if it was burn or hot and it wasn’t. By then my sister (who stayed over for a night) came into the hall way to see what was wrong and we went around the house to check nothing was on fire. Everything was fine, luckily. I ask Megan to check to see if she could smell smoke in my room, and she couldn’t smell any. I when back into my room and I couldn’t smell smoke any more. It was as if I had dreamed the whole thing up.

I feel like it was a warning, someone told me to check on in the children’s bed room and to remove the plastic bin away from the heater. Whenever I do my Titania's Fortune Cards, I always get the card that says “that I am looked after, as if by gods”. I think my family and I were last night!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I heart: my new earings

I received the most gorgeous pair of earings in the mail this week. They are bright and colorful, and extremely well made with high quaility findings. They are handmade by ThaiSilver on esty!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

happy birthday + house full of sickness

Today is my husband Reuben 32nd birthday! Unfortunately everybody in the house has come down with a terrible cold/cough virus. And Reuben is working nightshift this week. So we won’t be doing any big celebrating until next weekend. Both Skye and Phoenix stayed home from kinder and school today. They spent all night coughing and they are just too sick to go. I feel like death warmed up, and wish I could snuggle up in bed and sleep.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fashionista: Skye

{hair clip: hair fairy clips top: jk kids dress: mooce baby leggins: pumpkin patch}

Skye looked super colourful today wearing a mix-match outfit. It has just occurred to me that next year Skye will be in prep and I won’t be able to dress her up in funky outfits everyday like I do now. It’s a very sad thought indeed!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Heart: Peter Alexander

I’m loving my Nana Blanket PJ Pants from Peter Alexander. I would never take them off, if I thought I could get away with wearing them when I take the kids to school and kinder in the morning. I might be able  to wear them while grocery shopping, I would still be better dressed than most people in our suburb. They are super soft and are the most comfortable pair of pants I own. I love the pattern it reminds me of my nana and of crocheting granny squares with her when I was a little girl. She died when I was 14yrs in a car accident, and I still miss her to this day.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekend in Pictures

{phoenix came along shopping for some new PJ's}

{new headband and necklace for me from diva}

{ new vampire books to read and cd to listen too} 

{warming up by the fire}

{cocktails with my sister before seeing sex in the city 2 in the cinema}

{roast lamb with fresh rosemary from our garden}

{skye played with her barbies}

{alex did her homework}

{kendra and buffy play fighting}

{last day of the beard, reuben shaved it off tonight}

{rain quite a bit on saturday left a big muddy puddle by the front gate on sunday}