Monday, May 31, 2010

Last day of Autumn

We spend the last day of Autumn inside. I made lots of orders, while Skye watch a movie or two. Poppy Gordon came over for lunch, and we ate toasted sandwiches and handmade peanut butter choc clip cookies!

Misson this week to find a few hours to clean out Phoenix and Skye's room, everything has gotton a little crazy in there lately! The joy's of two children of different sex and age group sharing a room.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pretty Handmade Necklaces

Friday, May 28, 2010

Inspired to crochet

I was reading some gorgeous craft blogs late last night and I came across byPera's post about a gorgeous crochet blanket she made. From there I clicked onto Attic24 blog and read about an easy way to Joining Squares as-you-go . So I picked up some girly coloured wool in spotlight today and I can't wait to crochet a pink and purple blanket for one of my girls to enjoy. It's been years since I lasted crocheted, I hope that I can still do it.

From The Archives

{My little sister, Megan and I}

This picture was taken in our front yard outside the unit (my dad built) in Numerkah were we lived in until I was 10 year olds. I am unsure how old we were at the time, but I don't think my sister Megan looks much older than 3 years old, which would make me 6 years old.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


{Skye and Alex snuggled up}

Both my girls were sick today. It started with Skye at 6.50am when she came into our bedroom and told us that something was wrong with her body and that she hurt. Next thing I knew she was vomiting everywhere. Alex was fine in the morning so she went to school with Phoenix as usual. Around 10am there was a phone call, it was the school telling us that Alex had vomited. Lucky Reuben is home from work and he went down and picked her up.

Whatever it was that made them both sick cleared up in the afternoon and all they wanted to do was eat and drink. I was so glad that Reuben is on three weeks holidays, otherwise I might not have got any hair clip orders made today. He also spend a few hours this afternoon editing headband pictures, facebooking and adding them to my webiste. I would be lost without him!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

apron photo shoot

Alex and Phoenix helped out our good friend Scott the other day, letting him take some picture of them wearing a new line of funky aprons. Here is a couple of shots I took on the side lines. I love the huge flashes, wish I had a reason and the $$ to get myself some of those :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

weekend in pictures

leeann, me and sarah...

close up

beautiful sarah and leeann

my beautiful cousins and my beautiful children

skye running on the sand

alex, skye and phoenix

the water was freezing

phoenix and alex deep in conversation

bear hug

happy faces

silly faces

skye refused to walk

We spend most of Saturday in the city. We started off in sweetheart’s cafe in Port Melbourne eating brunch with my cousins Sarah and Leeann to celebrate Garry's birthday. Garry's brother Mark was there too, it’s amazing to see that he how much he is like my husband’s brother, Leon. Not in looks, just in attitude to women and everything. It’s quite scaring, and not in a good way. I don’t dislike him; he is quite funny and nice enough. But I hope that I can raise my son to be so much more.

After a yummy brunch of pancakes, eggs, and bacon we went back to Lee and Gaz’s place and walked to the beach. This is only 5 minutes away, lucky ducks. My kids loved running in the sand and dipping their feet in the cold, cold water. Lee, Sarah and I took group pictures of ourselves each we do a lot when we get together. I love my cousins, they really are the best!

We drove home, and my sister came over to babysit the kids and Reuben and I went to the mcg to watch footy. Usually I hate all kinds of sport, and even refuse to watch it on TV, but I actually enjoyed myself. Being any where with just the two of us and no kids is always wonderful!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

sliver beauty

 A couple of shots I took today of Skye wearing a new bow hair clip.  It will be added to my website  tomorrow.

currently reading {spirit bound}

I love reading vampire novels! This week the fifth book in the "Vampire Academy Series" was released. I wasn’t the only fan in the queue at Kmart on Tuesday afternoon buying my copy; there was another two women before me. We all kind just looked at each other and smiled. I haven’t had a chance to read more than a couple of pages, it’s been a busy week but that’s what weekends are for. My gorgeous friend Sam is on a plane to London with her copy I bet she would be close to finishing it by now.

Monday, May 17, 2010

afternoon in the backyard

Phoenix and Skye posing for the camera,
afternoon treats; yummy yogurt ice-creams,

jumping on the trampoline

Sunday, May 16, 2010

lovely sunday

Picture: Skye, Megan, Phoenix and Alex

I had a lovely Sunday afternoon (hubby had to work). My cousin Leeann and my sister Megan came over for afternoon tea. I made vanilla cupcakes, they were yummy. We watched a very confusing and strange movie on foxtell box office call "The Box" and drank a couple of glasses of pink sparkling wine. I feel so relaxed and happy; it was the perfect way to end the week.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hello! And welome to the start of something new. I hope you find reading my blog interesting and fun! It will be filled with things that inspire me, and I hope that they will inspire you too.

My name is Kelly and I am totally in love with my gorgeous husband, Reuben. I have three beautiful children. Alex is 12 years old, Phoenix is 6 years old and Skye is 4 years old. I run a small handmade hair clip website from home, its wondeful to be able to create something pretty everyday. I love photography, baking, reading, my family, and my friends.